@ARTICLE{Vovelle_Michel_La_2012, author={Vovelle, Michel}, volume={vol. 42 Special Issue}, pages={233-245}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={The French revolution should be conceived in its entirety: not as a coup by reformist elites or a retrogressive people’s movement, but a phenomenon transforming social mentality by means of opposing and related factors such as fear and violence, hope etc. The scope of influence of revolutionary mentality was considerable, especially considering more than just those social circles directly involved in the revolution.}, type={Article}, title={La Mentalité Révolutionnaire}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109576/PDF-MASTER/13_Vovelle.pdf}, }