@ARTICLE{Rancew-Sikora_Dorota_Building_2016, author={Rancew-Sikora, Dorota and Michałowski, Lesław and Dowgiałło, Bogna}, volume={tom LXIX}, journal={Studia Pedagogiczne}, pages={97-112}, howpublished={online}, year={2016}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN i Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku}, abstract={Inspired by the Chicago School sociology and anthropology of Mary Douglas authors of the article show the special cultural status of new urban peripheries in comparison to villages, old urban peripheries and city centers. Critically they relate to the thesis that new urban peripheries are “cultural deserts” or “bedroom/dormitory suburbs”, considering them as a form of collective organization or sustained activity patterns that replace an original kind of culture. According to Mary Douglas villages are characterized by low level of social energy and high degree of collective control, and the city centers are characterized by high level of energy and low collective control. Referring to this classification the authors of the paper claim that new urban peripheries are characterized by both low energy and low collective control. A more detailed characterization of a new urban periphery is presented in the article on the basis of materials collected in several qualitative sociological research projects. In the light of the empirical material, it can be revealed that in new urban peripheries direct forms of collective control have been replaced by social non-interference, development of individualistic self-control and privatization of micro-spaces of living and transporting. It was noted that the intensive development of individualized outdoor activity leads to gradual formation of the new body type of a new urban periphery resident.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Building on boundaries: the culture of new urban peripheries, its potentials and problems}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109657/PDF/DOROTA%20RANCEW%C2%88SIKORA%20Studia%20pedagogiczne%202016%20LXIX-6.pdf}, keywords={Urban sociology, urban anthropology, urban ecology, new urban peripheries, suburbanization}, }