@ARTICLE{Bouzahar_Faiza_Hassainia_The_2018, author={Bouzahar, Faiza Hassainia and Ouerdachi, Lahbaci and Keblouti, Mahdi and Seddiki, Akram}, number={No 39}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, title={The contribution of remote sensing in hydraulics and hydrology, analysis and evaluation of digital terrain model for flood risk mapping}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109779/PDF-MASTER/Bouzahar%20et%20al.pdf}, keywords={Annaba, cadastral information, digital terrain model (DTM), flood risk, GIS, multi-criteria spatial analysis, remote sensing, VHSR}, }