@ARTICLE{Rogalska-Marasińska_Aneta_Sustainable_2017, author={Rogalska-Marasińska, Aneta}, volume={tom LXX}, journal={Studia Pedagogiczne}, pages={157-179}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Komitet Nauk Pedagogicznych PAN i Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku}, abstract={Axiological chaos and unsustainable man’s acting in a contemporary world has led him to a total confusion. He constantly acts toward environmental and cultural degradation. Also in social dimension a permanent and “general” crisis dominates. The crisis is rooted on multi-category stratification and based on post-truth models of interpersonal communication in traditional and virtual realities. Neoliberal model of economical conquest, in turn, effects unsustainability in economic sphere. Thus, in common reception – for the most people in the world – such situation has become unbearable. So, it is the educators’ duty to look for – with the intention to put into practise – such concepts and pedagogies, which could prepare the whole global society to real – not declaratory false – co-creation of its life in the world, understood as an actual and common home. Taking such perspective, the theory of Argentinian philosopher – Ernesto Laclau becomes an interesting proposition. The time of mono-dimensional – protestant and neoliberal – interpretation of values comes to the end. Now the time has come to accept the equality of different – having their roots in various cultures – value understanding. Possibility of local and particular interpretation of values – along with maintaining the rule of common good – gives the chance to update the education according to real, thus multidimensional humanistic ideal. Such a standpoint presents a way to cure/reform intercultural education, which nowadays is at an impasse. Mainly it uses stiff schemes and repeated patterns, so it has become imitative and conservative. In its contemporary formula intercultural education is not able to respond to present challenges of multicultural and global society. The need to implant into its structure the concept of sustainable development emerges as a must.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Sustainable Coexistence of Multicultural World Society According To Ernesto Laclau’s Theory. Towards the Reform of Intercultural Education}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/109812/PDF-MASTER/11%20Rogalska%20Marasi%C5%84ska.pdf}, keywords={post-truth, axiological chaos, four dimensions of sustainable development, “empty signifiers”, responsible “hegemony”, relative universalisation of values, functional pluralism, cultural differences and cultural particularism, Protean epoch, updated aim of intercultural education}, }