@ARTICLE{Samborska_Katarzyna_Investigation_2019, author={Samborska, Katarzyna and Barańska, Alicja and Bodel, Daria and Jedlińska, Aleksandra}, volume={vol. 40}, number={No 3}, journal={Chemical and Process Engineering}, pages={305-313}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Chemical and Process Engineering}, abstract={Linden honey ultrafiltration (15 kDa MWCO ceramic membrane) was performed as honey solution pre-treatment before spray drying. Feed and retentate solutions with the addition of maltodextrin as a carrier were spray dried. Drying yield and physical properties of powders were studied (after drying and after 12 weeks of storage). During ultrafiltration it was possible to remove some amount of sugars responsible for honey low glass transition temperature, while keeping protein compounds. Yet, it did not have a significant impact on the drying performance and improvement of powder physical properties immediately after drying and after storage. However, the possibility to remove sugars from honey solution by ultrafiltration can be an encouragement for further research.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Investigation on the possibility to enhancing honey spray drying process and powders properties by ultrafiltration pre-treatment}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110030/PDF/05_CPE-2019-3.pdf}, doi={10.24425/cpe.2019.126118}, keywords={spray drying, honey, maltodextrin, ultrafiltration}, }