@ARTICLE{Goszczyńska_Maryla_Remembering_2017, author={Goszczyńska, Maryla}, number={No 2}, journal={Nauka}, pages={159-168}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Biuro Upowszechniania i Promocji Nauki PAN}, abstract={On 24th March, 2017 Professor Józef Kozielecki passed away. He was a world renowned psychologist, a researcher into cognitive processes: thinking, problem solving, decision making. Professor Kozielecki was an author of the psychological theory of decision making, the theory of self-knowledge, and a founding father of the new direction in psychology, psychotransgressionism. An outstanding scholar, intellectual, theacher and a formative mentor for several generations of psychologists. He authored multiple important psychological monographs, for which he received national and international awards, for example, The Japanese Science Foundation award (1980) for his work on decision theory and The Jurzykowski Cultural Foundation award (1990) for his transgressive model of human beings. Professor Józef Kozielecki was a member of several prominent scientific societies such as the European Association of Experimental Social Psychology, the Society for Judgment and Decision making and the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. He was also an Ordinary Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and in 2007 he received the honoris causa doctorate from the Catholic University of Lublin.}, type={Artykuł biograficzny / Biographical article}, title={Remembering Professor Józef Kozielecki}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110488/PDF-MASTER/N217-11-Kozielecki.pdf}, keywords={thinking processes and problem solving, psychological decision theory, transgressive model of man, transgression and culture, psychotransgressionism}, }