@ARTICLE{Laskowski_Zdzisław_Occurrence_2007, author={Laskowski, Zdzisław and Rocka, Anna and Zdzitowiecki, Krzysztof and Ozouf-Costaz, Catherine}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={37-42}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Trematomus newnesi (Nototheniidae), a bentho-pelagic fish, caught off Adélie Land (eastern Antarctic) was examined for the presence of internal parasitic worms. These fishes were infected with 11 species and larval forms of parasites: Digenea (Macvicaria pennelli, Neolebouria terranovaensis, Genolinea bowersi, and Elytrophalloides oatesi), larval Cestoda (two forms of tetraphyllidean metacestodes, bilocular form and trilocular form, and diphyllobothriid plerocercoids), Acanthocephala (Metacanthocephalus campbelli, M. johnstoni) and larval Nematoda (Contracaecum osculatum, C. radiatum). Larval cestodes were the dominant parasites, whereas acanthocephalans were relatively rare. Five species and larval forms were recorded also in fish caught in the Davis Sea. A check list of parasites of T. newnesi recorded in the eastern- and western Antarctic comprises 21 species and larval forms. Probably, T. newnesi plays an important role in life cycles of parasitic worms in the Antarctic.}, type={Article}, title={Occurrence of endoparasitic worms in dusky notothen, Trematomus newnesi (Actinopterygii Nototheniidae), at Adélie Land, Antarctica}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110592/PDF-MASTER/PPR28-037.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, Adélie Land, parasitic worms, fish, Trematomus newnesi}, }