@ARTICLE{Gaździcki_Andrzej_Recent_2003, author={Gaździcki, Andrzej and Majewski, Wojciech}, volume={vol. 24}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={3-12}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Recent foraminifera represented by 24 species belonging to 20 genera are recognized in marine and/or glacio-marine sediment samples collected at water depths of up to 75 m in Goulden Cove (Admiralty Bay) on King George Island, West Antarctica. The foraminifer assemblages are dominated by benthic taxa, such as Globocassidulina biora and Miliammina arenacea, the two most abundant species in the studied biocenosis.}, type={Article}, title={Recent foraminifera from Goulden Cove of King George Island, Antarctica}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110661/PDF-MASTER/ppr24-003.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, King George Island, Foraminifera, Recent}, }