@ARTICLE{Zdzitowiecki_Krzysztof_Occurrence_2001, author={Zdzitowiecki, Krzysztof and Presler, Piotr}, volume={vol. 22}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={205-212}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={In total, 8511 amphipods of 12 species caught in Admiralty Bay were examined for the presence of acanthocephalans using them as intermediate hosts. Only 27 specimens of eight species were infected (total prevalence 0.32%). Acanthellae and cystacanths of four species using fishes as either definitive or paratenic hosts were found. Normally, single parasites occurred; in one case two acanthocephalans were present in one specimen of Bovallia gigantea. This host species was the most strongly infected, with the prevalence 3.41%. Six other amphipod species were infected with the prevalence 0.08-0.66%. One of two Jassa ingens examined was also infected. Over 50% of acanthocephalans belonged to one echinorhynchid species maturing in fishes, Aspersentis megarhynchus, which occurred in five host species of four amphipod families, B. gigantea, Gondogeneia antarctica, J. ingens, Hippomedon kergueleni and Orchomenella rotundi-frons. Two polymorphid species maturing in seals, Corynosoma hamanni and C. pseudohamanni, were found in a single host species each, Prostebbingia brevicornis and Cheirimedon femoratus, respectively. Three parasite species mentioned occurred exclusively in sublittoral host species, at the depth 0-30 m. The third polymorphid species, C. bullosum, was the only species occurring in the amphipod, Waldeckia obesa, living in the deeper water (infected specimen was caught at the depth 60 m), but was found also in B. gigantea. Differences between infections of Amphipoda and fishes with echinorhynchids and polymorphids are discussed.}, type={Article}, title={Occurrence of Acanthocephala in intermediate hosts, Amphipoda, in Admiralty Bay, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110734/PDF-MASTER/2001-3-4_205-212.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, Acanthocephala, Amphipoda, intermediate hosts, parasites}, }