@ARTICLE{Cheraghi_Seyed_A.M._Wheat_2020, author={Cheraghi, Seyed A.M.}, volume={No 44}, pages={26-32}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={Scarcity of fresh water resources is the major constraint for agricultural development in Iran as in many other regions with arid and semi-arid climate. With the pressure on fresh water resources, the use of un-conventional water resources including brackish, saline and sewage water has received greater attentions in recent years. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of farmers' practices using saline groundwater on wheat yield and soil salinity in a Mediterranean cli-mate of Fars province in southern Iran. The study was carried out in several commercial wheat production regions for two years. Chemical analysis of irrigation waters, volume of applied irrigation water, electrical conductivity of soil saturation extract (ECe) and yield were measured in each field. General information on agronomic practices was also collected using a questionnaire. Results demonstrate that waters with salinities higher than what has been classified as “suitable for irriga-tion” are being used for the production of wheat crop. Analysis of wheat yield response to saline irrigation water showed that for water salinities up to 10.7 mS∙cm–1 (threshold value) variation in yield was relatively minor, above which wheat yield decreased at a greater rate. Root zone salinity profiles showed the effect of winter rainfall in reducing soil salinity. It is concluded that although acceptable yields are obtained with some of the highly brackish waters, over application of these waters would threaten the sustainability of crop production in the region.}, type={Article}, title={Wheat yield response and seasonal salt profile evolution under irrigation with saline waters in a semi-arid region}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110846/PDF/Cheraghi_397.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2019.127042}, keywords={saline water, soil salinity, wheat yield, rainfall, leaching fraction}, }