@ARTICLE{Patro_Magdalena_Use_2020, author={Patro, Magdalena and Zubala, Tomasz}, volume={No 44}, pages={126-135}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The paper presents the problem of the growing water deficit and the possibility of sustainable development of water resources in rural areas of Central and Eastern Europe (using the example of Poland). It is estimated that the amount of resources in this region is reduced by about 70% compared to the average for Europe. In drought periods it comes to limitation of economic activity, including agriculture. Particular attention was paid to the necessity to extend landscape, underground, and snow retention, as an alternative to dams, which are currently the most popular in lower-order catchments. It has been shown that the construction of small agricultural reservoirs is not always preceded by adequate consultations and pre-design studies, which may result in financial losses and legal problems. Simultaneous use of many alternative forms of retention should be more effective than the implementation of reservoirs. In addition, increasing the hydraulic roughness of the catchments slows down the outflow of products of erosion and contributes to the protection of surface retention structures (maintaining natural and economic usefulness of reservoirs).}, type={Article}, title={Use of different forms of retention as the condition of sustainable management of water resources in rural environment}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110857/PDF/Patro_Zubala_603.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2019.127053}, keywords={agricultural areas, catchment, water resources management, retention}, }