@ARTICLE{Przybylak_Rajmund_Spatial_1997, author={Przybylak, Rajmund}, volume={vol. 18}, number={No 1}, pages={41-63}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, howpublished={online}, year={1997}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={The paper presents a spatial distribution of changes of air temperature (T) in the Arctic. Estimates of their spatial relations in the study region were based on a correlation analysis. T in the Arctic is most strongly correlated spatially in winter and spring, and least in summer. The radius of extent of statistically significant correlation coefficients of changes of T at the stations Svalbard Lufthavn, Ostrov Kotelny and Resolute A is equal to 2000-2500 km in winter and 1500-2000 km in summer. An attempt was done to delimit the regions of consistent occurrence of the anomalies T with respect to the signs and magnitudes, as well as of the regions with the most coherent T. The Wroclaw dendrite method was used to solve this problem. Relations of the mean areaƂ T of the climatic regions and of the Arctic as a whole, with the northern hemisphere of temperature and selected climatic factors are presented.}, title={Spatial variation of air temperature in the Arctic in 1951-1990}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110869/PDF-MASTER/1997-1_041-063.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, air temperature changes, spatial relations, correlation analysis}, }