@ARTICLE{Bryazgin_Valery_Diversity,_1997, author={Bryazgin, Valery}, volume={vol. 18}, number={No 2}, pages={89-106}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, howpublished={online}, year={1997}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={In 1920 qualitative and quantitative benthos samples collected in Barents Sea sublittoral in the years 1951-1983 154 species, 77 genera and 30 families of Amphipoda Gammaridea were identified. Species diversity was highest among the Lysianassidae, Oedicerotidae, Ampcliscidae, Calliopiidae and Pleustidae. Ampelisca eschrichti clearly dominated the material. This same species, plus Haploops setosa and Anonyx nugax were both the most frequently occurring and most numerous species. The distribution of amphipods in the Barents Sea sublittoral varies both in diversity and numbers by region, depth, sediments and water temperature. Zoogeographical changes are discussed in the present paper. Altogether 331 species of amphipods have been hitherto collected in the Barents Sea, of which 317 species, 126 genera and 39 families belong to the suborder Gammaridea.}, title={Diversity, distribution and ecology of benthic amphipods (Amphipoda, Gammaridea) in the Barents Sea sublittoral}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110873/PDF-MASTER/1997-2_089-106.pdf}, keywords={Arctic, Barents Sea, sublittoral, benthos, Amphipoda, Gammaridea}, }