@ARTICLE{Wuczyński_Andrzej_Ornithological_1997, author={Wuczyński, Andrzej and Hada-Jasikowski, Grzegorz}, volume={vol. 18}, number={No 2}, pages={119-134}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, howpublished={online}, year={1997}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={The avifaunistic observations carried out in the tundra valley of the Sob River's upper course (west slopes of the Polar Ural) in July 1995 revealed the occurrence of 39 breeding and 8 non-breeding bird species. The most numerous were Anthus pratensis, Calcarius lapponicus, Phylloscopus trochilus and Anthus cervinus. The great variety of wetland and aquatic habitats had a decisive influence on species-richness and abundance of birds (jointly 30 breeding and 4 non-breeding species). Areas of low humidity were inhabited by 14 whereas anthropogenic habitats by 4 species. Most of them (except for eurytopic A. pratensis and C. lapponicus) occupied one-two habitats irrespective of their numbers. The density of Buteo lagopus was estimated at 1.67-2.00 p/10 km2. Three species of distribution ranges laying to the south from the study area, namely Bucephala clangula, Dendrocopos major, Circus macrourus, were noted in the valley. The results obtained have been compared with available data on the avifauna of the region concerned.}, title={Ornithological observations in the Subarctic zone of the Polar Ural}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110884/PDF-MASTER/1997-2_119-134.pdf}, keywords={Subarctic, Polar Ural-Russia, tundra, breeding avifauna, habitat selectivity}, }