@ARTICLE{Kopczyńska_Elżbieta_E._Annual_1996, author={Kopczyńska, Elżbieta E.}, volume={vol. 17}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={151-164}, howpublished={online}, year={1996}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={A year-round (3 March 1994 - 28 February 1995) phytoplankton study in Admiralty Bay revealed nanoplankton flagellates (< 20 μm) to be the major algae of the plankton, both in terms of cell numbers and carbon biomass. Their quantities fluctuated widely thoroughly the year showing several peaks, in May, April, December and January. Summer maximum of the group in December was mainly due to Cryptophyceae (4.9 x 106 cells l-1; 98.0 μg C 1-1) and Prasinophyceae (7.3 x 105 cells -1; 33.5 μg C -1). Diatoms were usually scarce (max. 6.8 x 105 cells -1; 7.82 p:g C 1-1) and were dominated by small species of Thalassiosira and by Nitzschia spp. (Pseudonitzschia); the domination structure somewhat differed from that observed in Admiralty Bay in the summer of 1977/78. Algal peaks were related to the surface water (4 m depth) temperature rise from +0.16 to +1.71˚C. Summer phytoplankton maxima were about 5-fold greater than those recorded in the summer of 1977/78.}, type={Article}, title={Annual study of phytoplankton in Admiralty Bay, King George Island, Antarctica}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/110962/PDF-MASTER/1996-3-4_151-164.pdf}, keywords={phytoplankton annual cycle, cell carbon biomass, Antarctica}, }