@ARTICLE{Zdzitowiecki_Krzysztof_Occurrence_1991, author={Zdzitowiecki, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 12}, number={No 1}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={55—72}, howpublished={online}, year={1991}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={A total of 704 fishes representing 39 species were examined. Twenty five digenean species were recognized. Only one species previously found by the present author in a fiord of this area was absent in the material. Pelagic species were usually not parasitized by digeneans, while demersal fishes were normally found to be infected. Results of the present study are compared to those from fiords. Seven species were found to be widely distributed. Two of them, Macvicaria pennelli and Genolinea bowersi, were associated with an inshore fiord environment and could be used as biological tags indicating the association of hosts with this kind of environment. Three of widely distributed species, Lepidapedon garrardi, Elytrophalloides oatesi and Lecilhaster macrocotyle, were not clearly associated with any environment. Gonocerca phycidis, Neolebouria antarctica and other less widely distributed species, with the exception of Postmonorchis variabilis, were associated with deep part of fiords and/or open sea shelf environment. The level of infection of open sea fish at the South Shetlands was low. Many fish species living at South Georgia were massively infected; the dominant species in this area is E. oatesi, which was rare off the South Shetland Islands. A total of 45 digenean species occurring in the Antarctic fish were listed. Eleven of them were not endemic.}, type={Article}, title={Occurrence of digeneans in open sea fishes off the South Shetland Islands and South Georgia, and a list of fish digeneans in the Antarctic}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111113/PDF-MASTER/1991-1_055-072.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, digeneans, fish infection, open sea}, }