@ARTICLE{Galiński_C._Some_2007, author={Galiński, C. and Żbikowski, R.}, volume={vol. 55}, number={No 1}, pages={91-98}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, abstract={This paper is an overview of the application potential and design challenges of micro air vehicles (MAVs), defined as small enough to be practical for a single-person transport and use. Four types of MAVs are considered: 1) fixed-wing, 2) rotarywing, 3) ornithopters (bird-like flapping) and 4) entomopters (insect-like flapping). In particular, advantages of a propeller-driven delta wing configuration for type 1 are discussed. Some detail is also given for type 4, the least understood of the four, including a new concept of manoeuvre control for such MAVs. The paper concludes with a brief prognostic of the future of each MAV type.}, title={Some problems of micro air vehicles development}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111183/PDF-MASTER/(55-1)91.pdf}, keywords={micro air vehicles, fixed-wing, rotary wing, ornithopter, entomopter}, }