@ARTICLE{Straumal_B._Diffusive_2019, author={Straumal, B. and Kilmametov, A. and Gornakova, A. and Mazilkin, A. and Baretzky, B. and Korneva, A. and Zięba, P.}, volume={vol. 64}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={457-465}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The high-pressure torsion (HPT) of Ti-Fe alloys with different iron content has been studied at 7 GPa, 5 anvil rotations and rotation speed of 1 rpm. The alloys have been annealed before HPT in such a way that they contained different amounts of α/α' and β phases. In turn, the β phase contained different concentration of iron. The 5 anvil rotations correspond to the HPT steady-state and to the dynamic equilibrium between formation and annihilation of microstructure defects. HPT leads to the transformation of initial α/α' and β-phases into mixture of α and high-pressure ω-phase. The α → ω and β → ω phase transformations are martensitic, and certain orientation relationships exist between α and ω as well as β and ω phases. However, the composition of ω-phase is the same in all samples after HPT and does not depend on the composition of β-phase (which is different in different initial samples). Therefore, the martensitic (diffusionless) transformations are combined with a certain HPT-driven mass-transfer. We observed also that the structure and properties of phases (namely, α-Ti and ω-Ti) in the Ti – 2.2 wt. % Fe and Ti – 4 wt. % Fe alloys after HPT are equifinal and do not depend on the structure and properties of initial α'-Ti and β-Ti before HPT.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Diffusive and Displacive Phase Transformations in Nanocomposites under High Pressure Torsion}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111300/PDF/AMM-2019-2-03-Straumal.pdf}, doi={10.24425/amm.2019.127560}, keywords={High-pressure torsion, Ti-Fe alloys, phase transitions, high-pressure phases}, }