@ARTICLE{Łukowski_Aleksy_B._Polychlorinated_1987, author={Łukowski, Aleksy B. and Karolewski, Marek A. and Górski, Tadeusz}, volume={vol. 8}, number={No 2}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={179-187}, howpublished={online}, year={1987}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Contents of PCBs was investigated using the gas chromatography method in the tissue of four Antarctic migratory birds: Oceanites oceanicus, Larus dominicanus, Catharacta skua and Sterna vittata, and the three penguin species: Pvgoscelis adeliae, P. papua and P. antarctica. Samples were collected at King George Island in February 1978 and, for comparison, in March 1983. The highest PCBs content was recorded in the adipose tissue of O. oceanicus and C. skua (15.7 and 1.2 ppm). Differences in the content of these compounds in the tissue of various penguin species in 1978 was observed. The mean cumulation level of PCBs in the adipose tissue of penguins was higher in 1983 than in 1978. Differences in the level of PCBs contents in the tissue of migratory birds were related to their winter migrations to areas polluted to various degress with PCBs remains. A tendency to the increase of the contamination of penguin tissues with PCBs was observed. This tendency was related to the increase of vhe pollution of the Antarctic environment with these compounds.}, type={Article}, title={Polychlorinated biphenyls in the tissues of Antarctic marine migratory birds and penguins from the breeding colony on King George Island (South Shetland Islands)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111373/PDF-MASTER/1987_2_179-187.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, South Shetland Islands, PCBs contents, penguins, migratory birds}, }