@ARTICLE{Presler_Piotr_Necrophagous_1986, author={Presler, Piotr}, volume={vol. 7}, number={No 1-2}, pages={25-61}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, howpublished={online}, year={1986}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={In 1977 and 1980 rich materials of necrophagous invertebrates were collected in the Admiralty Bay of King George Island. The collecting was carried out in 9 stations differing with respect to their habitat conditions. The stations were established at depths ranging from 5 to 90 m. In baited traps placed in the stations 295074 specimens of various animals belonging to almost 100 taxa were caught. It was found that 23 species out of the above mentioned taxa were necrophagous, and 10 further species were suspected of necrophagy. On the basis of their specific composition and domination structure the summer and winter assemblages of necrophagous invertebrates were described and compared with each other. An analysis of spatial and seasonal changes in the structure and abundance of these assemblages was carried out. and the habitat preferences of particular species as well as a list of species displaying permanent or seasonal necrophagy were determinted. Three forms of the competitive community of necrophagous invertebrates were distinguished.}, title={Necrophagous invertebrates of the Admiralty Bay of King George Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111391/PDF/1986_1-2_025-061.pdf}, keywords={Antarctica, benthos, necrophagous invertebrates}, }