@ARTICLE{Tadeusiewicz_M._Tracing_2007, author={Tadeusiewicz, M. and Hałgas, S.}, volume={vol. 55}, number={No 3}, pages={317-323}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2007}, abstract={The paper deals with circuits, composed of bipolar transistors, diodes, resistors and independent voltage sources, having multiple DC solutions. An algorithm for tracing temperature characteristics, expressing the output signal in terms of the chip temperature, is developed. It is based on the efficient method for finding all the DC solutions sketched in this paper. The algorithm gives complete characteristics which are multivalued and usually composed of disconnected branches. On the other hand the characteristics provided by SPICE are fragmentary, lose some branches or exhibit apparent hysteresis.}, title={Tracing temperature characteristics in diode-transistor circuits having multiple DC solutions}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111501/PDF-MASTER/(55-3)317.pdf}, keywords={bipolar transistors, multiple DC solutions, temperature characteristics}, }