@ARTICLE{Krężel_Adam_Preliminary_1981, author={Krężel, Adam and Pęcherzewski, Kazimierz}, volume={vol. 2}, number={No 3-4}, journal={Polish Polar Research}, pages={47-54}, howpublished={online}, year={1981}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee on Polar Research}, abstract={Studies conducted between December 20. 1978 and February 20. 1979 on Arctowski Station show that daily sums of total radiation ranged from 165.5 to 834.5 mWhr x cm2. Maximal mean hourly radiations were recorded from 12 to 14 hours (39.7—72.4 mWhr x cm2).}, type={Article}, title={Preliminary data on total radiation in the region of Arctowski Station (King George Island, South Shetland Islands)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111572/PDF-MASTER/1981_3-4_047-054.pdf}, keywords={Antarctic, solar radiation}, }