@ARTICLE{Hrynkiewicz-Adamskich_Bożena_Zastosowanie_2018, author={Hrynkiewicz-Adamskich, Bożena}, volume={No 62}, journal={Onomastica}, pages={183-202}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Komitet Językoznawstwa PAN}, publisher={Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN}, abstract={In 2018, the 90th anniversary of Professor Vasiliy Danilovich Bondaletov`s birth will be celebrated. The aim of the article is to remind readers of the quantitative and qualitative method of statistical analysis in anthroponomastic research developed by Professor Bondaletov, as well as to show its advantages over simplified descriptions of the frequency of personal names. In this article, the detailed analysis of male Christian names found in customs books from Northern Russia (1633–1636 and 1678–1680) was conducted. The comparison of statistical data, according to the suggestion of Professor V. D. Bondaletov, enabled us to observe subtle differences between the abovementioned resources, namely to estimate the level of their (dis)similarity and describe the dynamics of the evolution of the resources of male Christian names throughout the 17th century, as well as changes in the popularity of various names.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Zastosowanie ilościowo-jakościowej metody statystyki lingwistycznej w badaniach siedemnastowiecznego zasobu męskich chrześcijańskich imion osobowych północnej Rosji. Na 90. rocznicę urodzin Profesora Wasilija Daniłowicza Bondaletowa}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/111863/PDF-MASTER/09%20Hrynkiewicz.pdf}, keywords={antroponimia, chrześcijańskie imiona osobowe, frekwencja, statystyka lingwistyczna, Wasilij Daniłowicz Bondaletow}, }