@ARTICLE{Podemski_Piotr_Constructing_2019, author={Podemski, Piotr}, number={No 2}, pages={279-288}, journal={Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Wydział I Nauk Humanistycznych i Społecznych PAN i Uniwersytet Warszawski}, abstract={The present paper is a case study of the U.S. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) series: “The Italian Americans” (2015). It is argued that the series’ authors have aimed to deconstruct the anti-Italian stereotype, widespread in the United States. In exchange, they have proposed a new, positive image of the Italian community in America promoting the accomplishments of its prominent members. The entire PBS project, “The American Experience”, reflects an evolution of U.S. identity patterns from the homogeneous “melting pot” toward the diverse “salad bowl”, and hence – from monologue to polylogue.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Constructing collective memory through a documentary. The case of “The Italian Americans” (PBS, 2015)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/112009/PDF/KN%202-19%2018PODEMSKI.pdf}, doi={10.24425/kn.2019.128402}, keywords={Italian American, identity, collective memory, documentary, TV series}, }