@ARTICLE{Perovich_Lesya_Monitoring_2019, author={Perovich, Lesya and Hulko, Oleksandra}, volume={vol. 68}, number={No 2}, pages={349-359}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk/ Komitet Geodezji Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Polish Academy of Sciences / Commitee on Geodesy Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The need for effective and rational use of land, protection, and preservation of its qualitative state (as the agricultural land soil) is due to some negative details, namely, more than a third of the land is eroded, half of which are black soil in particular, which have an average level of nutrient supply, a lot of contaminated abandoned or overdented land. The acuteness of this problem, which has developed with regard to the protection and preservation of the land qualitative state, has become particularly relevant. The solution to this problem requires truly effective methods of influence. One of such methods is the surveillance of ecological and economic monitoring of land. The article analyzes the ecological and economic factors and factors influencing the monitoring and surveillance of land in Ukraine. Perspectives and objectives for improvements in land monitoring are highlighted. The paper discloses a theoretical synthesis and new approaches to solving the problem of environmental management, which can participate in the development of innovative economic and environmental factors of rational land use, which will contribute to enhancing the transition of Ukraine to the model of sustainable land use. The purpose of this work is a scientific analysis of the various organizational factors of monitoring and surveillance of agricultural land in relation to the current legislation in Ukraine.}, type={Article}, title={Monitoring the actual ecological end economic situation of agricultural land use in Ukraine}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/112067/PDF/08_GC_2_2019.pdf}, doi={10.24425/gac.2019.128464}, keywords={land use, ecological efficiency, economic efficiency, monitoring, agricultural land}, }