@ARTICLE{Polanin_Piotr_Numerical_2019, author={Polanin, Piotr and Kowalski, Andrzej and Walentek, Andrzej}, volume={vol. 64}, number={No 2}, pages={385-397}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={Exploitation of hard coal seams by roadway system is applied by two coal mines in southern Poland in Upper Silesian Basin. It is a secondary mining exploitation carries out in safety pillars of urban areas and shafts within mining areas of closed coal mines. Roadway system is the excavation process of gateways which are made in parallel order leaving coal pillars between them. An optimal width of coal pillar makes roadway stable and reduces subsidence of terrain surface. The article presents results of subsidence simulation caused by partial extraction using empirical and numerical methods on the example of one exploitation field of “Siltech” coal mine. The asymptotic state of subsidence was considered after mining ceased in the study area. In order to simulate of subsidence, numerical model of rock mass and model of Knothe-Budryk theory were calibrated. Simulation of vertical displacements in numerical method was carried out using RS3 program by Rocscience based on finite element method. The assumption was made that model of rock mass is transversely isotropic medium, in which panels were designed according to order of extraction of coal seams. The results of empirical and numerical methods were compared with measured values of subsidence at benchmarks along drawn lines (subsidence profiles).}, title={Numerical Simulation of Subsidence Caused by Roadway System}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/112276/PDF/Archiwum-64-2-11-Kowalski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2019.128690}, keywords={mining, roadway system, numerical modeling, back analysis}, }