@ARTICLE{Daneshvar_Milad_A_2019, author={Daneshvar, Milad and Parhizgar, Naser and Oraizi, Homayoon}, volume={vol. 68}, number={No 3}, pages={497-510}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Specific requirements are designed and implemented in electronic and telecommunication systems for received signals, especially high-frequency ones, to examine and control the signal radiation. However, as a serious drawback, no special requirements are considered for the transmitted signals from a subsystem. Different industries have always been struggling with electromagnetic interferences affecting their electronic and telecommunication systems and imposing significant costs. It is thus necessary to specifically investigate this problem as every device is continuously exposed to interferences. Signal processing allows for the decomposition of a signal to its different components to simulate each component. Radiation control has its specific complexities in systems, requiring necessary measures from the very beginning of the design. This study attempted to determine the highest radiation from a subsystem by estimating the radiation fields. The study goal was to investigate the level of radiations received and transmitted from the adjacent systems, respectively, and present methods for control and eliminate the existing radiations. The proposed approach employs an algorithm which is based on multi-component signals, defect, and the radiation shield used in the subsystem. The algorithm flowchart focuses on the separation and of signal components and electromagnetic interference reduction. In this algorithm, the detection process is carried out at the bounds of each component, after which the separation process is performed in the vicinity of the different bounds. The proposed method works based on the Fourier transform of impulse functions for signal components decomposition that was employed to develop an algorithm for separation of the components of the signals input to the subsystem.}, title={A novel method for separability of signal components to estimate radiation from a high-frequency subsystem}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/112881/PDF/03_AEE-2019-3_INTERNET.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2019.129337}, keywords={electromagnetic interference, electromagnetic radiation, parameter estimation, multi-component signals, frequency response, radio frequency}, }