@ARTICLE{Zuzek_Tomasz_An_2017, author={Zuzek, Tomasz}, volume={tom 34}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={235-243}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, abstract={During an inventory carried out in the Kórnik Library in October 2016, the author of this article found an unknown parchment document drawn up in 1415, which was purchased to be included in the library collections in 1954, but was not described or provided with a call number at the time and nobody knew about its existence for almost 60 years. In the document, brothers Stanisław and Jakusza, heads and owners of the Lgota village, confirm their sale of a part of their estate, i.e. a certain part of their land at Lgota, which could be flooded by the local pond-stream, to Mikołaj – the Provincial Superior, and the convent of the Pauline Fathers in Jasna Góra. At the same time, both brothers release the Pauline monks from any claims from their mother Katarzyna, and their sisters Jachna, Helena, and Dobrochna. The sale of the land meant for a flooded area should be related to the fact that in 1414 King Ladislaus Jagiello granted the village of Kalej neighbouring with the village of Lgota to the Pauline monks and possibly with their intention to erect a water mill. The document provides us with some new information for genealogical research on Polish nobility in the Middle Ages, and mentions the previously unknown name of the Provincial Superior of the Polish Province of Pauline Fathers – Mikołaj, who served this function in 1415.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={An unknown 1415 document drawn up for the Pauline monks in the collection of the Kórnik Library}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113399/PDF-MASTER/Zuzek.pdf}, }