@ARTICLE{Valde-Nowak_Paweł_Paleolithic_2018, author={Valde-Nowak, Paweł and Soják, Marián}, volume={vol. LIII}, journal={Acta Archaeologica Carpathica}, pages={37-48}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences — Cracow Branch Commission of Archaeology}, abstract={At the end of 2018, when the Hučivá Cave (Hučivá diera, Rausch Keller) was explored in Tatranská Lomnica, profile deposits in rear areas of the cave were found disturbed by an amateur excavation. One stone artefact was first found in back-dirt clay-layer material at the excavation pit, later joined by four more specimens from the cleaned pit profile. The Typological analysis of the artefacts shows, that their closest parallels are found in inventories of the Magdalenian culture. Hučivá is the only cave in the whole Tatras with documented prehistoric settlement and the only Slovak cave with evidence of the Magdalenian culture. The discovery provides new information concerning subsistence strategies of late Pleistocene hunters in High Tatra Mountain landscapes. In light of this discovery, the possibility of seasonal movements along the northern slopes of this mountains range to the east and then south, through the mountain passes to the upper Spiš region should now be considered.}, type={Article}, title={Paleolithic Man in the Tatra Mountains}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113560/PDF-MASTER/AAC_53_03.pdf}, keywords={Palaeolithic, Western Carpathians, Tatra Mountains, Magdalenian, cave-site}, }