@ARTICLE{Qaderi-Baban_P._Intelligent_2019, author={Qaderi-Baban, P. and Menhaj, M.B. and Dosaranian-Moghadam, M. and Fakharian, A.}, volume={67}, number={No. 4}, pages={741-748}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, abstract={In this paper, an energy coordination control method based on intelligent multi-agent systems (MAS) is proposed for energy management and voltage control of a DC microgrid. The structure of the DC microgrid is designed to realize the mathematical modeling of photovoltaic cells, fuel cells and batteries. A two-layer intelligent MAS is designed for energy coordination control: grid-connection and islanding of a DC microgrid is combined with energy management of PV cells, fuel cells, loads and batteries. In the hidden layer and the output layer of the proposed neural network there are 17 and 8 neurons, respectively, and the “logsig” activation function is used for the neurons in the network. Eight kinds of feature quantities and 13 different actions are taken as the input and output parameters of the neural network from the micro-source and the load, and the as the control center agent’s decision-makers. The feasibility of the proposed intelligent multi-agent energy coordination control strategy is verified by MATLAB/Simulink simulation, and three types of examples are analyzed after increasing the load. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme exhibits better performance than the traditional approaches.}, title={Intelligent multi-agent system for DC microgrid energy coordination control}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113667/PDF/07_741-748_01002_Bpast.No.67-4_30.08.19_K1.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2019.130183}, keywords={multi-agent system, DC microgrid, energy management, coordinated control, voltage control}, }