@ARTICLE{Suszka_Bolesław_The_2014, author={Suszka, Bolesław}, volume={tom 31}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={53-64}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, abstract={The article is devoted to an unpublished diary of Karol Firganek (1840 –1913), an insurgent. In 1863 Karol was a fresh employee of the Lviv stretch of the railway of Archduke Charles Louis. In the summer of 1863 Firganek joined the uprising in a detachment which entered Congress Poland from Galicia. On 15 July, he participated in the famous defence of the manor at Glanów, which he described in detail. He returned to the uprising in December. He fought in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, where he was promoted to the rank of an officer. In May 1864 Karol Firganek was taken captive and was convicted, but was freed as an Austrian subject and returned to work on the railways, reaching the high position of an inspector. His diary was kept by his children living in Stanisławów (currently called Ivanofrankivsk, Ukraine) – initially his son Kazimierz, and then his daughter Jadwiga, who remained in the family house, while the rest of the family was displaced in 1946 in connection with the change of the borders of Poland and the USSR. In 1964 Bolesław Suszka, Karol’s granddaughter’s, Janina’s, husband, received the diary from Jadwiga during his trip to the USSR, and managed to illegally bring it to Poland. Copies of the diary are kept in the Kórnik library and in the Ossolineum library in Wrocław. The original copy belongs to Janina and Bolesław Suszek from Kórnik.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The history of Karol Firganek and his diary}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113817/PDF-MASTER/document%20(66).pdf}, }