@ARTICLE{Kwieciński_Mirosław_Trudne_2012, author={Kwieciński, Mirosław}, volume={tom 29}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={121-140}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, abstract={This article deals with the question of why economic conditions and changes, based on the potentialities of the landed properties of Władysław Zamoyski (Kórnik and Zakopane), were used by him only to a certain degree. One should notice that Count Zamoyski initiated several economic projects with proper calculations, being often motivated by a patriotic spirit or national needs, which played an important role for him. It is striking that he did not use the possibilities which were created by the fact that Zakopane developed as a popular tourist resort and spa. Similarly, his Kórnik properties did not benefit from their close proximity to the large industrial and economic centre of Poznań. It usually took him rather a long time before he made decisions, being influenced by unjustified prejudices or paying attention to decidedly minor problems. All these factors diminished the chances for economic prosperity and efficiency for Zamoyski’s projects. On the other hand, it was he who contributed significantly to the development of several enterprises, and not his opponents. It should suffice here just to mention the Tatry National Park, Kuźnice, Kórnik Castle and Library and, finally, the „Zakłady Kórnickie” Foundation, which are the most convincing examples.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Trudne początki... Aktywność gospodarcza Władysława Zamoyskiego w pierwszych latach po nabyciu Zakopanego}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113875/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-17T120439.857.pdf}, }