@ARTICLE{Dolczewska_Barbara_The_2012, author={Dolczewska, Barbara}, volume={tom 29}, journal={Pamiętnik Biblioteki Kórnickiej}, pages={249-266}, howpublished={online}, year={2012}, abstract={Tytus Działyński (1796-1861) collected in the Kórnik Castle a number of portraits of Polish and foreign kings, mainly from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, including king Sigismund III of Vasa, his two sons Władysław IV and John II Casimir, Gustav Adolf of Sweden, Frederic V Wittelsbach, Charles XII of Sweden, John III Sobieski of Poland and his son Alexander, Stanisław Leszczyński of Poland and his daughter Mary, the queen of France, Frederic III the Wise of Wetting, August II of Poland, August III of Poland, his son Frederic Christian and his daughter-in-law Mary Antonina and Tsar Peter I the Great of the Romanov dynasty. Many of these paintings were produced by anonymous painters; however, some of them were painted by famous and distinguished painters, who acted during the reign of the Wettin kings, e.g. Louis de Silvestre, Pietro Rotari or the famous Slovak portraitist Jan Kupecky. The owner of the Kórnik Castle displaced the carefully collected paintings of the members of royal families in the Dinning Hall, ornamented with the coats of arms of the Polish knightly families which existed in the fifteenth century. All of them were placed onto the ceiling of this hall. He also promoted in this way the national spirit, reminding of the time of former Polish glory and of the many successes within the context of the great losses suffered in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Unfortunately, Działyński died before he completed his project. His son requested to move all the paintings to other rooms of the Kórnik castle.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The “royal” gallery of paintings of Tytus Działyński in Kórnik}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/113880/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-17T122541.089.pdf}, }