@ARTICLE{Piątak_Piotr_Regulation_2009, author={Piątak, Piotr}, number={No XXV}, pages={237-261}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The obligation to make the initial sale of fish by public auction is being introduced in Poland. However, selling fish by auction does not itself guarantee that limits on fishing are observed. Fish auctions operate on a “non-profit” basis. However, there is still an increase in the price o f fish sold by virtue of the fee taken to cover the cost of the auction. There is no doubt, however, that fish auctions free fishermen from activities connected with preparing fish for sale, with finding a buyer, and even with finding insurance to cover payment for goods supplied. The author of the article considers that trade in fish by means of auctions should be voluntary. The fishing system in the EU is based on observation, documentation and the inspection of vessels.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Regulation and supervision of initial fish sales}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114103/PDF-MASTER/document%20-%202019-09-27T144034.160.pdf}, }