@ARTICLE{Kasik_I._Thulium-doped_2019, author={Kasik, I. and Kamradek, M. and Aubrecht, J. and Peterka, P. and Podrazky, O. and Cajzl, J. and Mrazek, J. and Honzatko, P.}, volume={No. 5}, pages={981-986}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, abstract={The paper deals with spectral and lasing characteristics of thulium-doped optical fibers fabricated by means of two doping techniques, i.e. via a conventional solution-doping method and via a nanoparticle-doping method. The difference in fabrication was the application of a suspension of aluminum oxide nanoparticles of defined size instead of a conventional chloride-containing solution. Samples of thulium-doped silica fibers having nearly identical chemical composition and waveguiding properties were fabricated. The sample fabricated by means of the nanoparticle-doping method exhibited longer lifetime, reflecting other observations and the trend already observed with the fibers doped with erbium and aluminum nanoparticles. The fiber fabricated by means of the nanoparticle-doping method exhibited a lower lasing threshold (by ~20%) and higher slope efficiency (by ~5% rel.). All these observed differences are not extensive and deserve more in-depth research; they may imply a positive influence of the nanoparticle approach on properties of rare-earth-doped fibers for fiber lasers.}, title={Thulium-doped optical fibers for fiber lasers operating at around 2 µm}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114308/PDF/14_981-986_01280_Bpast.No.67-5_03.02.20.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2019.130883}, keywords={optical fiber, fiber laser, thulium, aluminum oxide, nanoparticles, solution doping, nanoparticle doping}, }