@ARTICLE{Biryukov_A._A_2020, author={Biryukov, A. and Galin, R. and Zakharyevich, D. and Wassilkowska, A. and Kolesnikov, A. and Batmanova, T.}, volume={vol. 65}, number={No 1}, journal={Archives of Metallurgy and Materials}, pages={99-102}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science of Polish Academy of Sciences}, publisher={Committee of Materials Engineering and Metallurgy of Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={To obtain anti-corrosive thermo-diffusion zinc coatings, the authors use highly effective zinc saturating mixtures. This technology makes it possible to obtain coatings with a high zinc content in the δ-phase as well as a zinc-rich phase of FeZn13 (ζ-phase) on the coating surface. As a result of long-term studies into the corrosion properties of thermo-diffusion zinc (TDZ) coatings conducted by the authors, a number of features of their corrosive behavior have been established. The corrosion rate of those coatings in desalted and chloride-containing media is lower than those of galvanic or hot-dip zinc coatings. The corrosion behavior depends on the content of zinc on the surface and the texture features of the coating. The results showed that on the surface of thermo-diffusion coatings in the corrosion on media containing chloride ions, zinc hydroxychloride (simonkolleite – Zn5Cl2[OH]8[H2O]) has been formed. Compared to coatings obtained by other methods, the rate of simonkolleite formation was higher on TDZ coatings, which might have a positive effect on their resistance in aggressive atmospheres.}, type={Article}, title={A Layer-by-Layer Analysis of the Corrosion Properties of Diffusion Zinc Coatings}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114508/PDF/AMM-2020-1-11-Biryukov.pdf}, doi={10.24425/amm.2019.131101}, keywords={diffusion zinc coatings, δ-phase, texture, simonkolleite}, }