@ARTICLE{Čanal_Tomáš_Knowledge_2019, author={Čanal, Tomáš}, volume={Tom 7}, number={Część 2}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={265-281}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={According to Descartes, it is possible to doubt successfully that there is external world, all around us, yet still to have language, in place, without any complication. According to Wittgenstein, to doubt everything about the external world except language means nothing more than to doubt everything about the external world including language. Why? No speaker is more certain about the meaning of his words than about the external things he believes to be unassailable (for example, that he has two hands and two legs). Without this constitutive connection there would be no communication of a definite sense. Wittgenstein suggests that, after the author of the Meditations on First Philosophy adopts the hypothesis of evil deceiver, we are only under the impression that we deal with language (or that we read a text). We instead deal with symptoms of something rather different. The objective of this paper is to critically reassess Wittgenstein’s criticism of the possibility of holding such a radical sceptical position.}, type={Article}, title={Knowledge of Language and a Radical Scepticism}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114650/PDF-MASTER/17_%C4%8Canal.pdf}, keywords={Cartesian doubt, certainty, Descartes, epistemology, Evil Deceiver, knowledge, scepticism, Wittgenstein}, }