@ARTICLE{Cyzmann_Marzenna_Surprising_2019, author={Cyzmann, Marzenna}, volume={Tom 7}, number={Część 2}, journal={Filozofia i Nauka}, pages={305-317}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Instytut Filozofii i Socjologii PAN}, publisher={Instytut filozofii UMCS}, abstract={The aim of the article is to compare the thought collective and the interpretive community, two surprisingly similar notions formulated independently by Ludwik Fleck and Stanley Fish. In contemporary discourse, both concepts are used as synonims, while an accurate analysis of the contexts of the use of interesting terms proves that the equivalent of the interpretive community is rather thought collective, as well as the thought style, both of these concepts in the deliberations of Fish are subject to contamination. The exact repartition of the notion of interpretive community seems to be important due to the frequency of its use in works in the field of literary interpretation and cognition. The article also presents more general remarks on the functioning and possible origin of twin terms and their role in scientific cognition.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Surprising peregrinations and relationships of concepts. On the thought collective of Ludwik Fleck and the interpretive community of Stanley Fish}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114652/PDF-MASTER/19_Cyzman.pdf}, keywords={thought collective, thought style, interpretive community, sociology of knowledge, interpretation}, }