@ARTICLE{Piątkowski_J._The_2020, author={Piątkowski, J. and Czerepak, M.}, volume={vol. 20}, number={No 2}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={65-70}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This article presents a study of the crystallization and microstructure of the AlSi9 alloy (EN AC-AlSi9) used for the alfin processing of iron ring supports in castings of silumin pistons. Alfin processing in brief is based on submerging an iron casting in an Al-Si bath, maintaining it there for a defined time period, placing it in a chill mould casting machine and immersing it in the alloy. This technology is used for iron ring supports in the pistons of internal combustion engines, among others. Thermal analysis shows that when the AlSi9 alloy contains a minimal content of iron, nucleation and increase in the triple (Al)+Fe+(Si) eutectic containing the -Al8Fe2Si phase takes place at the end of the crystallization of the double (Al)+(Si) eutectic. Due to the morphology of the ”Chinese script” the -Al8Fe2Si phase is beneficial and does not reduce the alloy’s brittleness. After approx. 5 hours of alfin processing, the -Al5FeSi phase crystallizes as a component of the +Al5FeSi+(Si) eutectic. Its disadvantageous morphology is ”platelike” with sharp corners, and in a microsection of the surface, ”needles” with pointed corners are visible, with increases the fragility of the AlSi9 alloys.}, type={Article}, title={The Crystallization of the AlSi9 Alloy Designed for the Alfin Processing of Ring Supports in Engine Pistons}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114699/PDF/AFE%202_2020_11.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2020.131304}, keywords={Al-Si cast alloy, Alfin processing, crystallization, Microstructure of Al-Si alloys}, }