@ARTICLE{Salingaros_Nikos_A._The_2017, author={Salingaros, Nikos A. and Masden II, Kenneth G.}, volume={vol. XLV}, journal={Teka Komisji Urbanistyki i Architektury Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie}, pages={95-105}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, abstract={This paper introduces a compelling new way to think about the education and practice of architecture. “Intelligent architecture” is founded on the basis of how the human mind perceives and interacts with the material world. Perhaps surprisingly, this scientifically-conceived process for architectural design and building leads to a more human architecture, one with a renewed respect for traditional systems of architectural design. Scientific insight into architecture’s origins and manner of conception gives us a profound appreciation of useful solutions embedded in our architectural heritage. This development reverses a century-old practice in industrial-modernist architecture, which advocated erasing the past rather than learning from it. By understanding essential human engagement with the built environment, architects are able to foster greater human wellbeing in the material structures they build.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The science of intelligent architecture}, title={Nauka o inteligentnej architekturze}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114736/PDF/Teka-2017_07_The-Science-of-Intelligent-Architecture.pdf}, keywords={intelligent architecture}, }