@ARTICLE{Yadav_Ashish_Minimizing_2019, author={Yadav, Ashish and Verma, Pawan and Agrawal, Sunil}, volume={vol. 10}, number={No 4}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={In the two-sided mixed-model assembly line, there is a process of installing two single stations in each position left and right of the assembly line with the combining of the product model. The main aim of this paper is to develop a new mathematical model for the mixed model two-sided assembly line balancing (MTALB) generally occurs in plants producing large-sized high-volume products such as buses or trucks. According to the literature review, authors focus on research gap that indicate in MTALB problem, minimize the length of the line play crucial role in industry space optimization.In this paper, the proposed mathematical model is applied to solve benchmark problems of two-sided mixed-model assembly line balancing problem to maximize the workload on each workstation which tends to increase the compactness in the beginning workstations which also helps to minimize the length of the line. Since the problem is well known as np-hard problem benchmark problem is solved using a branch and bound algorithm on lingo 17.0 solver and based on the computational results, station line effectiveness and efficiency that is obtained by reducing the length of the line in mated stations of the assembly line is increased.}, title={Minimizing length in a mixed model two sided assembly line using exact search method}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/114820/PDF/8-341.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2019.131447}, keywords={Two-sided assembly line balancing, mixed model, mathematical model, Lingo-17 solver}, }