@ARTICLE{Ayaz_Ümütlü_Hatice_Cansu_Parametric_2020, author={Ayaz Ümütlü, Hatice Cansu and Kıral, Zeki}, volume={vol. 67}, number={No 2}, pages={211-227}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={Structural design analyses of industrial dye mixing machines, concerning mixing impeller geometries, mixing performances, and power requirements aren't generally of scientific quality. Our aim is to propose a practical method for minimizing execution time, using parametric design. In this study, Visual Basic API codes are developed in order to model the impellers in SolidWorks software, and then flow analyses are conducted. Thus, velocity values and moment/torque values required for mixing operation are determined. This study is carried out for different shaft rotational speeds and different impeller diameters. Flow trajectories are obtained. After that, frequency analyses are conducted and natural frequency values are obtained. In the scope of this study, two different impeller types are investigated.}, title={Parametric design and analysis of industrial dye mixing machines}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/115023/PDF/AME_2020_131691.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ame.2020.131691}, keywords={parametric design, computer-aided design, impeller modeling, simulation}, }