@ARTICLE{Kledyński_Zbigniew_Condition, author={Kledyński, Zbigniew and Bogdan, Anna and Jackiewicz-Rek, Wioletta and Lelicińska-Serafin, Krystyna and Machowska, Agnieszka and Manczarski, Piotr and Masłowska, Dagmara and Rolewicz-Kalińska, Anna and Rucińska, Joanna and Szczygielski, Tomasz and Walczak, Justyna and Wojtkowska, Małgorzata and Zubrowska-Sudol, Monika}, volume={Vol. 66}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Civil Engineering}, pages={37-80}, howpublished={online}, publisher={WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING and COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, abstract={The manuscript presents the condition of circular economy in Poland in diversified approach: subjective (waste streams, energy), sectoral (construction, wastewater treatment, coal energy), related to the resources (phosphorous and anthropogenic minerals) and considering proper energy management (almost zero energy buildings). The achievements reached in different sectors as well as the requirements towards implementation of CE are presented. The advancement of recycling technologies does not deviate from the global level, in terms of areas specific to Poland. Limiting the exploitation of natural resources and usage of new materials as well as producing more durable products are of CE concern. Also energy and heat recovery in buildings and technological processes (e.g. during wastewater treatment), ways of utilization of combustion by-products and water decarbonization waste are described. The implementation of CE in Poland needs not only research and technical activities, but also the modification of technological processes, the right policy, overcoming crosssectoral barriers, developing legal regulations and support schemes for CE.}, type={Article}, title={Condition of Circular Economy in Poland}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/115150/PDF/02.ACE0090%20do%20druku_B5.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ace.2020.131820}, keywords={circular economy, municipal waste, CE in construction, wastewater management, primary resources, zero-waste coal power, combustion by-products}, }