@ARTICLE{Rodríguez-Quiñonez_J.C._Improve_2017, author={Rodríguez-Quiñonez, J.C. and Sergiyenko, O. and Flores-Fuentes, W. and Rivas-lopez, M. and Hernandez-Balbuena, D. and Rascón, R. and Mercorelli, P.}, volume={vol. 25}, number={No 1}, journal={Opto-Electronics Review}, pages={24-32}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences (under the auspices of the Committee on Electronics and Telecommunication) and Association of Polish Electrical Engineers in cooperation with Military University of Technology}, abstract={This paper presents a 3D distance measurement accuracy improvement for stereo vision systems using optimization methods A Stereo Vision system is developed and tested to identify common uncertainty sources. As the optimization methods are used to train a neural network, the resulting equation can be implemented in real time stereo vision systems. Computational experiments and a comparative analysis are conducted to identify a training function with a minimal error performance for such method. The offered method provides a general purpose modelling technique, attending diverse problems that affect stereo vision systems. Finally, the proposed method is applied in the developed stereo vision system and a statistical analysis is performed to validate the obtained improvements.}, type={Article}, title={Improve a 3D distance measurement accuracy in stereo vision systems using optimization methods’ approach}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/115341/PDF/main.pdf}, keywords={Stereo vision, Optimization methods, Distance measurement}, }