@ARTICLE{Brzeziński_A._The_2018, author={Brzeziński, A. and Brzeziński, K. and Dybicz, T. and Szymański, Ł.}, volume={Vol. 64}, number={No 4/I}, pages={145-159}, journal={Archives of Civil Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={WARSAW UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING and COMMITTEE FOR CIVIL ENGINEERING POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES}, abstract={Within the INMOP 3 research project, an attempt was made to solve a number of problems associated with the methodology of modelling travel in urban areas and the application of intermodal models. One of these is the ability to describe the behaviour of transport system users, when it comes to making decisions regarding the selection of means of transport and searching for relationships between travel describing factors and the decisions made in regard of means of transport choice. The paper describes a probabilistic approach to the determination of modal split, and the application of a logistic regression model to determine the impact of variables describing individual and mass transport travels on the probability of selecting specific means of transport. Travels in local model of Warsaw city divided into 9 motivation groups were tested, for which ultimately 8 models were developed, out of which 7 were deemed very well fitted (obtained pseudoR2 was well above 0.2).}, title={The application of a logistic regression model for predicting preferences of transport system users}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/115616/PDF-MASTER/09_ace-2018-0049.pdf}, keywords={transport system, travel modelling, modal split, logistic regression, logit model}, }