@ARTICLE{Piątek_Łukasz_Floating_2020, author={Piątek, Łukasz and Wycisk, Aleksandra A. and Parzych, Dariusz and Modrzejewska, Katarzyna}, volume={No 45}, pages={100-106}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The paper presents results from social research on the Polish business representatives potentially interested in using the floating buildings. The main purposes of the study were to assess the level of knowledge about floating buildings and diag-nose stimulants and inhibitors of their development in the hotel, catering, and water tourism industry. Combining the quantitative and the qualitative methodology, research was conducted using an on-line survey (CAWI)and Focused Group Interviews (FGI). Both involved a non-probabilistic, purposive sampling to reach a specific subgroup of the industry: owners or employees of catering, hotel or water tourism companies having or considering having a floating building. The group included both new and long-standing companies using facilities on water or with direct and indirect access to the water. The study identified stimulating and inhibitory factors broken down into internal (context-independent) and external (context-dependent) conditions. Results show that in Poland floating commercial buildings are a niche topic but also a de-velopable one. Although 71% of the respondents notice difficulties resulting from the insufficient infrastructure and 66.5% of them indicate the lack of legal regulations, they also see the potential of floating buildings: depending on the industry, from 90 to 95% respondents find them “definitely attractive” or “rather attractive”. The most common reason for rejecting floating development is the lack of attractive moorages in the area (43.5% answers).}, type={Article}, title={Floating buildings in the hotel, catering and water tourism industry in Poland – Business environment survey}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116249/PDF/Pi%C4%85tek%20et%20al%20627.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2020.133051}, keywords={catering industry, commercial buildings, floating buildings, floating architecture, hotel industry, water tourism industry}, }