@ARTICLE{Rokochinskiy_Anatoliy_Implementation_2020, author={Rokochinskiy, Anatoliy and Bilokon, Vyacheslav and Frolenkova, Nadia and Prykhodko, NataliŃ–a and Volk, Pavlo and Tykhenko, Ruslan and Openko, Ivan}, volume={No 45}, pages={119-125}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The geographical location and climatic conditions of Ukraine cause the active development of land reclamation, as it enables to ensure stable and high yields. The complexity of forecasting in this area, namely the dependence of the results onthe changing weather and climate conditions, does not allow to effectively use the standard instruments for justifying the investment for agricultural and land reclamation innovation. The necessity of improving methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of investments in projects in the field of agricultural production and land reclamation was substantiated. The proposed approaches were tested on the ad-vanced technology of water treatment in irrigation based on using a vibrating gravitation filter enabling to perform simultaneously the processes of water treatment and filter element regeneration. The obtained results clearly show that the advancedtechnology of irrigation water treatment and the developed for this technology design of the vibrating gravity filter are cost-effective. The current payback period for irrigation projects when using the purified water under this advanced technology is 5 years. It is the same as for the irrigation projects when using clean irrigation water. Thus, our proposed approaches to the evaluation of investments in new water treatment technologies applied in irriga-tion enable to adapt the modern methodology of analysis of economic and investment efficiency of projects to the domestic needs of agricultural production, namely to take into account the impact of changing weather and climate conditions on the resulting economic parameters.}, type={Article}, title={Implementation of modern approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of innovation for water treatment in irrigation}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116251/PDF/Rokochinskiy%20et%20al%20642.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2020.133053}, keywords={economic efficiency, evaluation, investments, modern methodological approaches, vibrating filter, water treatment}, }