@ARTICLE{Kolev_M._Tribological_2020, author={Kolev, M. and Drenchev, L. and Stanev, L.}, volume={vol. 20}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={31-36}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The present work studies the tribological properties of new hybrid material composed from high porosity open cell aluminum alloy (AlSi10Mg) skeleton and B83 babbitt infiltrated into it. The porous skeleton is obtained by replication method applying salt (NaCl) as space holder. The reinforcing phase of the skeleton consists of Al2O3 particles. The skeleton contains Al2O3 particles as reinforcement. The microstructure of the obtained materials is observed and the tribological properties are determined. A comparison between tribological properties of nominally nonporous aluminum alloy, high porosity open cell skeleton, babbitt alloy and the hybrid material is presented. It is concluded that new hybrid material has high wear resistivity and is a promising material for sliding bearings and other machine elements with high wear resistivity.}, type={Article}, title={Tribological Characterization of Aluminum/Babbitt Composites and Their Application to Sliding Bearing}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116484/PDF/AFE%203_2020_06.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2020.133326}, keywords={Babbitt, Composite materials, Tribological Properties, Sliding bearing}, }