@ARTICLE{Granat_K._Impact_2020, author={Granat, K. and Paduchowicz, P. and Dziedzic, A. and Jamka, M. and Biały, P.}, volume={vol. 20}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Foundry Engineering}, pages={13-17}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={The Katowice Branch of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The research paper presents the results of testing the strength and technological properties of molding sand with gypsum binder, the bonding process proceeded: naturally or conventionally. The tests included mass containing (parts by weight): 78 pbw. Grudzeń-Las quartz sand, 22 pbw. plaster gypsum "Dolina Nidy” and 9 pbw. water. Measurements of compressive strength, shear, tensile and bending as well as permeability and looseness were carried out on standard cylindrical samples kept in the air for 1 - 96 hours or dried at 110 oC for 1 - 8 hours. The results of the analysis were analyzed in connection with the mass structure and construction binding bridges warp grains observed with a scanning microscope (SEM). The influence of drying intensity on the bonding process and related mass properties has been demonstrated, especially from the point of view of the possibility of selection and / or intensification of a specific curing method for use in the production of gypsum binger molds and cores.}, type={Ahead of print}, title={Impact of Hardening Methods on the Moulding Sand’s Properties with Gypsum Binder}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116500/PDF/AFE%204_2020_02.pdf}, doi={10.24425/afe.2020.133342}, keywords={Foundry, Gypsum Binder, Foundry and Core Masses, Mass Properties}, }