@ARTICLE{Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek_Małgorzata_Maintenance_2020, author={Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, Małgorzata and Legutko, Stanisław and Kluk, Piotr}, volume={vol. 11}, number={No 2}, journal={Management and Production Engineering Review}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Production Engineering Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Association for Production Management}, abstract={Digitalization and sustainability are important topics for manufacturing industries as they are affecting all parts of the production chain. Various initiatives and approaches are set up to help companies adopt the principles of the fourth industrial revolution with respect sustainability. Within these actions the use of modern maintenance approaches such as Maintenance 4.0 is highlighted as one of the prevailing smart & sustainable manufacturing topics. The goal of this paper is to describe the latest trends within the area of maintenance management from the perspective of the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution and the economic, environmental and social challenges of sustainable development. In this work, intelligent and sustainable maintenance was considered in three perspectives. The first perspective is the historical perspective, in relation to which evolution has been presented in the approach to maintenance in accordance with the development of production engineering. The next perspective is the development perspective, which presents historical perspectives on maintenance data and data-driven maintenance technology. The third perspective, presents maintenance in the context of the dimensions of sustainable development and potential opportunities for including data-driven maintenance technology in the implementation of the economic, environmental and social challenges of sustainable production.}, title={Maintenance 4.0 technologies – new opportunities for sustainability driven maintenance}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116853/PDF/474-kolor.pdf}, doi={10.24425/mper.2020.133730}, keywords={Maintenance 4.0, smart maintenance, data-driven maintenance, sustainable maintenance}, }